Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poster Text

Osteoporosis is the medical term used when there is excessive loss of protein and mineral content, in particular calcium, in the bone. The term literally means “porous bones”. The bone mass becomes decreased as the structure breaks down and then the bone becomes extremely fragile. Bone constantly renews itself in a two stage process. In the reabsorption stage, cells called osteoclasts break down and remove the old bone. In the formation stage, cells called osteoblasts build new bone. Until a human’s mid 30s more bone is produced than removed, when it reaches its maximum mass and strength. Thereafter the skeleton slowly declines. Osteoporosis is the acceleration of this decline either by increased aging process or due to disease or prolonged use of certain medications. The main picture represents normal bone depicted as a more dense structure. Osteoporosis involves the slow breakdown of structure which I have divided into 4 stages. In the first stage I have used high level density, radii and a larger number of points with increased connections. In the second and third stages these levels are reduced down to finally the fourth stage which constitutes the final deterioration and breakdown of the structure. In each stage I have depicted three iterations. The first iteration i The model represents the basic bone structure using piping between random points to create the basic framework. I have then applied lofting through the same points, the lofting represents the protein and mineral content of the bone structure. In each stage I have depicted three iterations. The first iteration is a combination of piping and lofting at the maximum levels for each stage. In the second iteration the lofting is reduced by reducing the number of proximity points to find and the radius of that search, thereby reducing the number of points on which to connect in the series. The final iteration in each stage is the remaining piping representing the core structure of the bone. In the fourth stage the levels are reduced to a minimum and the points of connection are distanced causing the breakdown of the structure representing full blown osteoporosis. The more simplified the form becomes the more refined, beautiful and delicate it appears yet there is something underlying that makes it repulsive as this beauty causes immense pain and suffering to its carrier. I find this dichotomy intriguing, that one can find beauty in pain.

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