Generative Algorithms - Porous Structures by Zubin Khabazi
This document outlines the structure for micro-organisms like Radiolaria or Diatoms. The basis of these is the hexagon which has deviated to produce not only irregular hexagons but also heptagons and octogons. A triangulated mesh seems to be the best method to cover a curved surface. To create the best geometry the following is required:
size deformation
chamber deformation
pattern deformation
zonal organiszation
lattice thickness
Differentiation in form elements
general morphonoloty
The organism's method of form generation in algorithmic space is to triangulate any given generic surface to make a net and then generate chambers over the nodes of this triangulation net. Removing the area inside each chamber from the surface would result in a porous surface as a representative of the lattice. This triangulation should have size differentiation from the edges to the centre point.
1. Phase One - Centre Point and Contour lines
The organisation of the chambers is centre orientated and radial. First locate the centre point then create radial curves around the point.
2. Phase Two - Surface Subdivision and Triangulation
Divide the contour lines into pieces and connect them to generate the base lines of triangulation.
3. Phase Three - Chamber Generation
Each node of the net is the cetnre point for the chamber to be drawn around. Once the chamber is created then their inside area should be subracted from the main surface making the lattice like porous shell.
4. Phase Four - Fabrication
Decide which fabrication technique to use and what the material is and how it will be assembled.
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